Save more expenses while holiday with delicious & authentic stir-fry food

Save more expenses while holiday with delicious & authentic stir-fry food

3 January 2018

Holiday is coming! Mom and family are now undergoing holiday activities. Eits, instead of spending too much unexpected expenses, it's a good idea for Mom to prepare a delicious meal for family members before traveling that takes long journey. On the other hand, Mom want to cook nutritious food simply as a companion of rice that the Mom brought? The answer is Vegetable stir-fry!

Stir-frying is a very simple and easy to learn cooking technique. In addition, stir-frying is also Moms favorite way of cook because it is more efficient than other cooking techniques. So how to keep the stir-fry food remains delicious for a recreation-mate? Launch from lets check this stir-frying tips below ...


1. Wash and slice all the ingredients with Bite-Size

When stir-frying, Mom frequently have a tendency to choose margarine or oil. Margarine has a smoke point lower than the oil, so the margarine is faster to melt than oil. Heat oil or margarine into a pan with a moderate level of fire. Wait until the heat but not until smoked, then put the spices that have been prepared and stir be spread evenly until Mom can smell the fragrant .

2. Prepare compatible pan same with the portion of ingredients

Have you ever seen a cooking show on TV? What did the chef do when they were stir-frying? Yups. The chef uses a medium-sized pans tend to be big though only stir-fry a little food. There’s a reason behind, Mom. Basically all foods contain water or juice so that evaporation is sure to happen. If the pan you use is too full, the steam will be blocked between other ingredients and the process of stir-frying will take longer. Yet with too long stir-fry, the cooking of the Mom will be overcooked and the existing vitamin will be reduced larger.

3. Heat the margarin or Oil first

When stir-frying, Mom frequently have a tendency to choose margarine or oil. Margarine has a smoke point lower than the oil, so the margarine is faster to melt than oil. Heat oil or margarine into a pan with a moderate level of fire. Wait until the heat but not until smoked, then put the spices that have been prepared and stir be spread evenly until Mom can smell the fragrant .

4. Put in the Seasoning and Hard Textured Vegetables followed by Meat

When making stir-fry with a variety of vegetables such as Cap Jay, mothers need to include hard textured vegetables first, this is because hard-textured vegetables require a long process to make it perfectly ripe. Followed with other ingredients in the order as the meats. Specially for meat, wait until the colour turns brownish. Brown colour indicates meat has cooked up to 80%.

5. Stirring the food necessary

When Mom does stir-fry, you don’t have put too much effort with stirring the food. This menas so the ingredients Mom stirs can cooked spread evenly and keep the texture lasting.

This is it, Stir-frying Tips by Technoplast. We imagine your food was as best as the chef on tv, Mom. We hope you get so much love by your family! Happy Cooking!



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