A Good Way to Make Your Kids Smart

A Good Way to Make Your Kids Smart

30 September 2016

Kids are always looking at the outside of world in accordance with what their saw. What they see, it dissolved in their brain. Kids still don’t understand the full meaning of an incident from their around. It shows that in this period, kids only have exciting in stuffs or an incident that match with their imagination. Usually, the result of their imagination could build their own fantasy world based on their desire.

So, don’t worry if your child always playing games, even it’s addict. Of course, playing can make your child forget about time, studying, praying, and interaction with family or siblings. So, what should you do? Don’t give a punishment  or scolded. Because, according to Landreth said (Muhammad Rizal, Psi: Smart Parents Confrence), Play is a unique medium to facilitate language development, communication skills, emotional development, social skills, decision making skills, and cognitive development for children.

Relax, don’t panic. This situation can be anticipate by distracting their attention with a game that can educate. You have to facilitate your little child with educational games such as mazes, puzzles, outbound, color matching, lego games, playdoh, and many more.

Well, one of games that can optimizing your child’s brain work is Puzzle. Puzzle is a stack game. How to play? You just stack the random chunk images neatly up into a single unit. Usually, the chunk side of puzzle is unsymetric to make it unique and easier for players to match. The game is fairly most unique, because more difficult the game, more enjoy you play it. Here it, the benefits for your child when playing puzzle.

1. Train your little child to solve all problems.
This game can help your child to have a different think to solve the puzzle pieces become a single unit.

2. Stimulate your little child to keep the spirit of learning
Puzzles can help your child in achieving a goal and have something to be proud of, so it make them want to solve the puzzles (any problem) of life

3. Train synchronization of eyes and hands
Put a puzzle piece with a different shape in the right place is difficult for children. Moreover, if the puzzle is composed of many pieces of the picture. This game can make your child learn in involving movement, concentration, and recognize what they saw in the same time

 4. Train the motor and cognitive skills.
The Images are random, diverse shapes, colors are so complex, and moving stuffs to the right place without destroying it, can help them to concentrate in identifying letters, numbers, counting, and know the object names at the same time.

Conclusion is that the puzzle game can optimizing the cognitive skill of your child. Because matching 1 chuck of images with the other images needs an intelligence, imagination, creativity, and accuracy that can help them in optimze the quality.

You wanna try?

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